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A history of the imagination by Norman Lock
The cube by Cristovam Buarque
The club by Ron Burch
I am Batman by Don Barnfather
The mountain schools by Brock Vauss
Stranger at the bar by Jon Sponaas
Three eyes that never close by Kevin James Miller
Short shorts by Daniel Alamia, Sabina C. Becker, Ellen Lindquist, J.B. Mulligan and David Oates
Short shorts by Cheryl Pallant, Davis Schneiderman, Ali Seay and Jeffrey Valka

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This issue went online August 1, 2000
copyright 2000 The Cafe Irreal all rights reserved
Certain graphics are from "ClickArt 40,000," Broderbund Software, Inc.
The animated gif was adapted from an original from "50,000 Ultimate Web Graphics", Macmillan Digital Publishing USA utilizing the Gif Construction Set, Alchemy Mindworks, Inc.

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